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Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2011

[Directorio] Broadcast Media and Journalism Lesson Plans

A Lens to the Past All About Our Town - Informational Brochure Lesson Plan Art Inspired by Words Lesson Plan Art of Persuasion - Editorials and Marketing Arts Lesson Plan Search - PBS Bia vs Perspective Lesson Plan Blogging What is it and How To Commercial Advertising - Media Literacy Conflicting Newspaper Accounts Lesson Plan Constitution Lesson Plans Creating Electronic Portfolios - Lesson Plan Digital Storytelling Digital Storytelling - Examples Digital Storytelling - Educational Uses Elements of Digital Storytelling Ethics Case Studies First Amendment Lesson Plans Framing the News Forming Opinions High School Journalism Lesson Plans How to Analyze the News How Media Shapes Perception Lesson Plan Journalism Curriculum Journalism Lesson Plans - NY Times Journalism Education Standards News Journalism Across the Media Newspapers in Education - Lesson...

[Directorio] Photography and Film Lessons

A Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography Adobe Digital Kids Arts Edge Ansel Adams Lesson Plan Basic Photography Lesson Plan Basic Strategies in Reading Photographs Blurb - Free Bookmaking Software Cameras and Careers Caption Writing Lesson Plan Captions - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Career Exploration Games Cinematography Lessons Civil War Photography Lesson Plan Color Photography Lesson Index Create Your Own Book - CyberMuse - Integrating Art into Your Lessons Digital Gadgets in the Classroom Digital Storytelling - PDF Digital Photography Workshop Dorothea Lange Photographs Lesson EDSITEment - Art and Culture Lesson Plans Education at the Getty - Art Lesson Plans Effective Photojournalism Every Picture has a Story - Smithsonian Extreme Photography - Both Sides of the Lens Explore Point of View Through Areial Photography Exploring Photographs - Lesson Plans Film and Video Lessons and Activities - Adobe Filmaking and Photography Curricu...

[Directorio] Performing Arts Lesson Plans - Dance and Music

Art and Music Lesson Plans - Core Knowledge Audacity - Free Audio Editor and Recorder Ballet and Classical Music Blank Music Worksheet - PDF Broadway Musical Lesson Plan Classics for Kids - Lesson Plans Creating an Original Opera - Lesson Plan Creative Drama Lesson Plans Compose and Choreograph a Cheer Dance Integrated Resource - Lessons and Activities Drum Lesson Database Elemental Sequences in Music - PDF Graphical Music Notation - Online Learning Making a Musical Instrument Lesson Plan Making Connections - Art and Music MERLOT Music Portal Music - Core Knowledge Lesson Plans Music Curriculum Framework Music in the South Pacific - PDF Music - Interactive Skills Applets Music Lesson Plans Music Lesson Plans - EduRef Musical Era WebQuest Native American Music - PDF Note Flight - Free Music Creation Software Performing Arts Study Guide - PDF Reading Music Tutorial Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame - Lesson Plans San Francisco Symphony Kid's ...

[Directorio] Arts: Visual and Graphic

A Lifetime of Color - Art Lessons A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Abstract Expressionism - PDF Art Projects - Canon Creative Park Art Through the Ages Webquest Arts in Education - Articles and Resources Behind the Masks - Exploring Art and Culture Ceramics and Pottery Lesson Plans Chesterwood - The Workshop of an American Sculptor Crayola Lesson Ideas Creating a Classroom Museum Decorative Arts Lesson Plans Educator's Reference Desk - Arts Lesson Plans Every Picture Has a Story Lesson Plan Eyes on Art Exploring Art Through Descriptive Writing Exploring Leonardo Fashion WebQuest Fine Arts Education - Lesson Resources Folk Art as Communication Landscape Painting and Artists Making Furniture that's Fit for a King Making Paper Lesson Plan Modern Art Lesson Plans Modern Art Teacher Resources National Gallery of Art Lessons Native American Rock Art Philadelphia Museum of Art - Lesson Plans Recreating Landscapes Lessons and Activities Renaissance Conne...

[Directorio] General and Fine Art Lesson Collections

Art and Music Lesson Plans - Core Knowledge Art History Lesson Plans Art in the 21st Century - Lesson Plans Art in the Classroom Lesson Plans Art Lesson Plans Crayola Art Lesson Plans - Dick Blick Art Lesson Plans - Getty Art Lesson Plans - Illinois State Museum Art Lesson Plans - Kodak Art Lesson Plans - MSU Edu Art Lesson Plans - NGA Art Thnink - Explore Modern Art Lesson Units Arts and Culture Lesson Plans Arts and Humanities Lesson Plans Arts Edge - Kennedy Center Lesson Plans Arts Education Curriculum Guide and Lessons Arts Lesson Plan Search - PBS Curricula, Lessons and Activities - Arts Edge Gateway to 21st Centry Skills - Art Lesson Plans Getty Art Lesson Plan Search Highschool Art Lesson Plans Incredible Art Department Lesson Plans MERLOT - Art Lesson Resources

53 Steps to becoming a Freelancer Web Designer/Developer

February 24, 2008  Written by Paul Andrew   In recent months I have been setting myself up as a Freelance Web designer/Developer, if I told you it was a rocky road I wouldn’t be exaggerating . If I had followed the list I have written below it would have made my life so much easier and stress free. But, like most things, entering into a new chapter can make you feel blindfolded and you stumble about trying to find the answers. Hopefully following this list will help. There are many pros and cons venturing into Freelance, don’t think of it as freelance, but as you setting up your own Design Studio . That to me is a lot cooler. But the truth of the matter is I have completed my transition, I am a Freelance Web Designer/Developer . And couldn’t be happier. 53 Steps to becoming a Freelancer Web Designer/Developer 1. Set a realistic date for starting officially as a Freelance Designer. ( When I say realistic, I mean six months+, and not weeks ). Stick to this date. 2. Write o...

How to Become a Web Designer

Becoming a Web Designer Tips To become a successful web designer, you must not only learn the relevant skills, but you must market yourself. To work as a web designer you are not required to get a degree. However, earning a degree may help you land jobs, and network with other people in the industry. You should spend significant time and effort on your portfolio, in order to land jobs. Do you enjoy computer work, especially if it has to do with creativity and the internet? Are you talented with web layouts and graphic design material? If so, why not explore a career in web design ? This guide will provide you with all the necessary information on how to become a web designer. With the proper training and experience, you will be starting an exciting new career befor...

Paths of a Web Designer

By Jennifer Kyrnin , Guide HTML Design Layout Programming Administration XML Graphics and much, much more... No matter where you are along the path of Web design, there is sure to be something more for you to learn and grow. But how do you decide where to go next? Luckily, there are many different paths you can take and review, whether you are brand new to HTML and Web design or have been writing programs and DHTML for years. Beginning HTML: If you're just starting out on the Web design path, this is your stop. The beginning HTML resources cover the basics of HTML and building a Web page. The classes and tutorials will help you get started. The glossary will explain new terms. Plus you can learn more about the basic software you need to create a Web page. Beginning HTML Advanced HTML: Once you've got the basics of HTML down, you can move down the path to Advanced HTML. Advanced HTML includes tables and frames, DHTML, and Cacacading Style Sheets. There are mor...

How to become a Web Designer

By MarlaineMarie , eHow Member Best Starting Book! How to become a Web Designer User-Submitted Article Ever wonder how to get started making your own website? It seems everyone has a website, but few can go beyond the pre-set templates. Here's how to do it yourself and RIGHT! Difficulty: Moderately Easy

How to become a Graphic Designer

Graphic designing In today's job market, having some knowledge of web design is extremely beneficial. Even if you are not a 'web designer' by trade, you will inevitably cross paths with online design at some point in your graphic design career. Lots of firms require a graphic designer for their daily needs such as designing advertisements, logos, banners, cards etc.

Wikihood – conoce toda la información interesante de cualquier lugar del mundo

  Con la llegada de la Chrome Web Store, el navegador web Google Chrome podría llegar a ser un mini sistema operativo desde el cual se nos provea de diferentes aplicaciones de todo tipo. Una de las que podemos encontrar en la actualidad es Wikihood , una aplicación que una vez la instalemos, nos permite navegar a través de un mapa, basado en Google Maps, dotándonos de la información relevante del ámbito geográfico que abarque, obtenida desde la propia Wikipedia . La información que podemos encontrar es variada, desde aspectos culturales de la zona, histórico, geográfico, económico, social, y cualquier otro dato relevante que nos podría interesar. Podemos obtener relación de informaciones por distancia, por relevancia y por valoraciones. Además, podemos localizarnos en el mapa, obteniendo informaciones interesantes sobre nuestro lugar, donde podemos llegar a conocer más allá de lo que en la actualidad conocemos de nuestra actual ubicación. Una aplicación que desde aquí reco...

express-cv – Crea, diseña y publica tu currículum en español

Matias Cruz me presenta express-cv , una aplicación web gratuita cuyo objetivo es ayudar a las personas a crear e imprimir su currículum vitae basado en el modelo europeo. Es simple, cargas tus datos, eliges un diseño y lo imprimes. Queda guardado en el sitio para que cuando gustes puedas actualizarlo, modificarlo, cambiarle el diseño, etc. A diferencia de otras opciones existentes, express-cv está basado en el Sistema Europass , sistema creado por la Unión Europea con el fin de estandarizar la forma de presentar las capacidades y calificaciones personales a la hora de aspirar a un puesto laboral . Una buena opción para crear, diseñar e compartir nuestro currículo.

How to Make An Art Portfolio For Your Art Work

By Ladybugblue , eHow Member Make an Art Portfolio ladybugblue User-Submitted Article To organize your best paintings, why not make an art portfolio for your art work. This is an easy way to display your art work. Difficulty: Moderately Easy

How to Make an Online Art Portfolio

By Alina Bradford , eHow Member Every artist needs an online portfolio. Konrad Mostert User-Submitted Article Every artist needs an online portfolio to showcase her talent to potential clients. Here is how to build a simple, free and easy-to-maintain portfolio. Difficulty: Moderately Easy

How to Build the Ultimate Art Portfolio

By Alicia Webb , eHow Contributor updated: June 12, 2010 Prepare for your career as an artist by assembling a great portfolio. business man building image by Pavel Losevsky from As an professional artist, you will often need to demonstrate examples of your best work in the form of a portfolio. You will show your portfolio to college admissions officers, prospective employers, and family and friends. The foundation of your success as an artist lies in your construction of a neat and concise portfolio of work. Building an ultimate art portfolio requires the artist to answer many important questions and make many difficult decisions about their artwork. Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

How to Make an Artist Portfolio

By kongluirong , eHow Member The outside of a portfolio How to Make an Artist Portfolio User-Submitted Article For an artist, a portfolio is how you get jobs . There are many ways to put a portfolio together, but I am going to explain a simple yet professional portfolio. Difficulty: Moderate

How to Make a Professional Art Portfolio

By Isaiah David , eHow Contributor Organizing a master portfolio is an ongoing process. As you progress as an artist and professional, you will be constantly adding to your portfolio and rearranging it to get the best effect. It is worth the effort. Having a good master portfolio already put together will allow you to quickly put together a job portfolio for a particular interview. it will take a lot of the stress out of the process and ensure that you end up making the best impression possible. Difficulty: Moderate Instructions

How to Submit a Creative Portfolio

By Ariel Phillips , eHow Contributor updated: May 7, 2010 Contemplating a job interview, portfolio in hand. The businesswoman holds in a hand a portfolio and looks upwards. image by Andrey Andreev from When searching for a job , every step of preparation is important--from the introductory paragraph of your query letter to what you wear to the interview. If you are looking for a job in which you need to present a portfolio of your work, then the portfolio is probably one of the most important parts of the application. Since there are often many people qualified for any given job, it's important to make your portfolio stand out from the crowd. You can accomplish this by being original and creative with your portfolio. Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

How to Create Your Digital Portfolio (Word)

By Shauntelle Hamlett , eHow Contributor updated: January 20, 2010 A digital portfolio is an electronic document that contains samples of a person's work. Digital portfolios allow artists, photographers, writers and other creative professionals to easily share examples of their previous work experience and artistry with potential clients. Surprisingly, educators have also begun to take advantage of the convenience of digital portfolios to communicate their students' progress with parents and other staff members. One way to create a digital portfolio is using Microsoft Office Word 2007. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions Things You'll Need: Computer Microsoft Office Word 2007 Digital camera Flatbed scanner Work samples Image-editing software Microsoft plug-in (op...

Un día en Internet

La infografía nos muestra la representación de lo que sería un día de uso de Internet , o sea, Internet en un día, y podemos observar la cantidad de emails que se transfieren por día en el mundo entero, así como también otros datos curiosos acerca de la cantidad de datos que son transferidos por la red y su comparación con la cantidad de discos de blu ray , DVDs, o incluso hasta los obsoletos diskettes de 3.5”. También podemos ver la cantidad de nuevos contactos que son agregados por día en Facebook y su comparación con los habitantes de Guyana, además de la cantidad de status updates que son actualizados por día.

Infografía sobre Internet en el 2020

Si te preguntabas cómo sería Internet en el 2020 , entonces por qué no observar esta interesante infografía que intenta predecir las variables más representativas de Internet dentro de una década, en lo que respecta a cantidad de usuarios, población mundial, la tendencia hacia lo verde, la tendencia hacia la Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things ), la tendencia hacia todo inalámbrico y más. La infografía fue creada por Zdnet Internet World Stats.

La penetración de Internet alrededor del mundo

La infografía nos muestra cómo ha ido evolucionando el acceso a Internet en términos de penetración del mercado alrededor de todo el mundo , desde la penetración de Internet en China hasta Estados Unidos, Japón, India , Barbados, Gambia y Botswana, el país con menor cantidad de usuarios en Internet y una tasa de crecimiento de 6% anual. Ideal para entender conceptos como el Global Digital Divide.

Infografía: Diseñadores Web y Desarrolladores Web

Muy interesante esta infografía que permite apreciar las características más notorias entre las dos profesiones, de diseñador web y desarrollador web . Incluso a nivel central de la infografía se presenta una comparación del salario promedio (en USA) según un total de trabajos de programación . Más abajo podemos apreciar cuáles son los miedos más comunes en cada profesión , por ejemplo parece ser que los diseñadores web le temen a las bases de datos, las PC, las revisiones de cliente, al trabajo por precio fijo (vs. trabajo por hora), mientras que los desarrolladores web ( web developers ) le temen a las caídas de servidor, archivos .EPS de vectores, jefes que no saben de programación, y en común: las mujeres. Será tan así?

Infografía: Qué trabajo de diseñador elegir Esta curiosa infografía nos ilustra acerca de qué trabajo de diseño o de diseñador es el mejor, por ejemplo poniendo sobre el tapete el trabajo realizado por los diseñadores de moda, los diseñadores web o gráficos, así como diseñadores industriales. En la realidad, lo que concluye es que el diseñador del logo de Google es quien se lleva todos los trofeos y el mejor premio.

Conseguir trabajo en el 2011

Infografí Veamos la siguiente infografía acerca de los puestos de trabajo del 2011 , ilustrando aquellas profesiones que con seguridad se podrá conseguir trabajo y cuáles son los salarios pagados en promedio. Si bien la infografía está enfocada a conseguir trabajo en Estados Unidos resulta ilustrativa para tomar como idea acerca de cuáles son las necesidades o demanda laboral en el 2011 . También puede ser útil para quienes tienen que tomar una decisión acerca de qué carrera universitaria o terciaria seguir, así como también hacer un posgrado o maestría por ejemplo un MBA orientado puramente a los negocios.

Seis trucos para encontrar empleo en 2011 Después de leer variadas noticias acerca de lo mala que viene la situación para el empleo , el cambio de trabajo y las remuneraciones en el año 2011 , se me ocurrió dar algún aporte para no salir tan dañados, y mostrarse victoriosos ante un año de recuperación, si es que será así. Hoy en “ ” publicó una noticia que empezaba diciendo: “ Malas noticias para quienes esperen un aumento de sueldo este año ”. En este sentido, sus analistas se referían a que el IPC adelantado mostró un abultado 2,9% y con muchos aumentos de precios de todo tipo, desde carburantes hasta cigarrillos. Todo lleva a pensar que 2011 será sólo para aumentar la pérdida de poder adquisitivo de los trabajadores . Con aumento del paro , el recorte de los sueldos a los funcionarios y e niveles salariales más bajos, hacen pensar con escasas perspectivas salariales. Por su parte, los sindicatos coinciden en que los sueldos ...

Online Reputation Management for Local

Local When a good client of mine took on an account that become a problem account, before they knew it they were receiving 28 voice mails very two hour of yelling and screaming. I was told “FIX IT”. Upon my initial research, I uncovered that this is expensive and that the right systems should have been put in place in the first place. In any event, what I learned there is VERY little on the Internet in terms of a strategy for Online Reputation Management. There is A LOT in terms of content for explanation of this, but little for execution. After two months of studying and recognizing that this is information that needs to out there, I decided to implement and test Online Reputation Management and Online Response Management for a Local Business.


23 Enero 2011  El Nuevo Día Expertos en el área de reclutamiento revelan las nuevas tendencias de contratación en Puerto Rico    Por Rebecca Banuchi / El 2011 parece dar señales alentadoras en cuanto al mercado laboral se refiere. Sin embargo, esas oportunidades de empleo aguardan por aquellos que sepan identificarlas, y estén dispuestos a aprovecharlas aunque, tal vez, no correspondan al puesto idealizado ni obtengan la compensación o los beneficios ansiados.

Estrategias para conseguir trabajo

23 Enero 2011 El Nuevo Día El mercado ha sufrido tantos cambios que el trabajador tiene que adoptar nuevas tácticas Por Rebecca Banuchi / Las variaciones en el mercado laboral obligan a quienes buscan empleo a adoptar nuevas estrategias. Además de un nueva actitud al enfrentar la búsqueda de un trabajo, los cambios requieren ajustes en aspectos técnicos como el formato del resumé, así como la manera en que el candidato se proyecta al ser entrevistado para un puesto de trabajo. “Ya los resumés no son lo que eran en el pasado porque hay tanta competencia que tú tienes que demostrar en ese documento que eres una persona valiosa para esa empresa”, advirtió Melissa Concepción, presidenta de Smart Option Search.

InfoWhelm and Information Fluency

We live in a 24/7 InfoWhelm world. We have access to more information than we will ever need. This video will tell you just how much information there is out there. It requires a different set of skills than the ones we leave school with today.

Education | 50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology

Education | 50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology 50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology September 7, 2010 tags: MIT , teachers , learning , Open University , Utah State University , online colleges and universities , creativity by lthumann Online Colleges and Universities has published a really useful list of open courses on teaching with technology. This comes at the right time as some of our budgets allow for little professional development. Some of the institutions represented in the list are: