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Education | 50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology

Education | 50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology

50 FREE Open Courses on Teaching With Technology

September 7, 2010
Online Colleges and Universities has published a really useful list of open courses on teaching with technology. This comes at the right time as some of our budgets allow for little professional development. Some of the institutions represented in the list are:

MIT President, Charles M. Vest, anticipates that within ten years, lecture notes, course outlines, reading lists and assignments for over 2000 MIT classes will be freely available on the OCW Web site.,,sid9_gci540010,00.html
Among the list of 50 courses are:
Creativity, Community and ICT
This unit engages with the debates surrounding the term ‘creativity’ and explores ways in which ICT creates new opportunities for creativity and collaborative working.
Understanding Online Interaction
This course is designed to provide an introductory level of understanding of the manner in which individuals interact with one another via the network.
Technologies for Creative Learning
This course explores the design of innovative educational technologies and creative learning environments, drawing on specific case studies such as the LEGO® Programmable Brick, Scratch software and Computer Clubhouse after-school learning centers.
Interactive Multimedia Production
This course familiarizes students with Macromedia Flash. Topics to be covered include fundamental programming concepts (variables, variable types, code re-use, commenting code, and basic control structures) in addition to the fundamentals of the flash environment.
Teaching Using Digital Video in Secondary Schools
This unit explores the role of digital media as a teaching tool, focusing on video in particular.
One or more of these FREE professional development opportunities may be of use to you or someone you know.
Check out the complete list at


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